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I did it! I did it! I did it!
You've heard of The Shot Heard 'Round the World? Well, at 9:21pm on Tuesday, November 30, I let out The Scream Heard 'Round the World. Yes, that odd piercing screech you may have heard at that time was me. Screaming with joy. Because I had just received a winning word count from NaNoWriMo. I had just seen the winner screen come up. I had finally finished my 50,000 words in thirty days, and I had won. This makes my third winning year in a row out of four years of doing NaNoWriMo (I lost the first year).
Am I proud of myself? You betcha!
I'm also toast.
Writing 50,000 words in a month, especially when they were so difficult in coming in the beginning, is quite taxing. My writing brain has officially turned to mush. So my first order of business has been taking a little writing vacation. But that doesn't mean my plate is empty -- my To Do list is tremendous.
I should specify that I was taking a fiction writing vacation, because while the fiction writing is on hiatus, the copywriting continues. I've been helping SoundGuy and his colleagues with copywriting and layouts for their business. That's taken some time since these men I'm dealing with... Let's just say it's been work.
Then there's Christmas. Christmas will be tough this year since we've also become victims of the economy. We're not as bad off as many, but we're in nowhere near as good shape as we were last year. It's going to take some work on my part.
Some of that work involves handmade gifts. Gifts like these crocheted dish sponges , these crocheted dish sponges , and the crocheted dish sponges from this site. I'm also planning to make a bunch of these hangers, and a bunch of scarves and a prayer shawl on my Bond Ultimate Sweater Machine. And if I have time, a few crocheted dishcloths, as well. Now that NaNoWriMo is over, I can dedicate my time to hand knitting, machine knitting, and crocheting. I've got to get crackin'!
And speaking of handmade stuff, check out this adorable tote bag! And this one. Can you believe them? Both are crocheted with "plarn" fashioned from recycled grocery bags. I'm in the process of making my plarn, because I must try these patterns.
Ooh, and the fall portraits. I took fall portraits of my kids. Must get those processed.
Additionally, I've still got writing stuff on that To Do list. I have to finish re-entering CHESTER & RUBE (my NaNoWriMo 2008 winner) into the computer so I can try and edit that one into a series of early reader books. That's my goal with that one, anyway.
Then there my winner for last year's NaNoWriMo, SAVING WONDERLAND. I need to finish writing it and edit it for submission. Which means I should probably figure out where to submit it. That one may end up as a trilogy.
We mustn't forget BLUR, this year's NaNoWriMo winner. At just a hair over 50,000 words, it's actually almost finished, making it the shortest story I've every written (have I mentioned I'm wordy?). I want to get that baby done. At that point, I'll decide if it's worth the effort of trying to get it edited. It may end up as one of those creatures under the bed, waiting to attack in the dark of night.
Always lurking in the back of my mind are my previous mss, BURN ME ONCE and IRRESISTIBLE HARMONY, both of which I'm still planning to submit (or re-submit, as the case may be). I just need the time for updates and final edits. And assembling the submission packages.
Oh yeah, and finding my courage. ::sigh::
I need more hours in the day. It looks like I'm going to be toast for a while. Not quite so bad as long as I can get some bacon with it.
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